News EUROSAM will be present at the EUROSATORY exhibition from 13 to 17 June in Hall 5A – booth C120. We will present our activities including the...
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Eurosam is promoting its new SAMP/T NG system in Dubai Air Show (14 to 18th November)
News Eurosam is promoting its new SAMP/T NG system in Dubai Air Show (14 to 18th November). We will be pleased to welcome you on our booth (indoor –...
OCCAR firma con Eurosam la rimotorizzazione pirotecnica di mezza età dei missili ASTER – Comunicato stampa del 9 luglio 2021
News l 9 giugno 2021, Eurosam, il consorzio franco-italiano partecipato da MBDA e Thales, ha firmato un contratto con OCCAR (Organisation Conjointe...
OCCAR contracts EUROSAM for Mid-Life Refurbishment of ASTER missiles – Press release, July 9 2021
News On the 9th of June 2021, Eurosam, the Franco Italian consortium, which is co-owned by MBDA and Thales, signed a contract with OCCAR...
l’OCCAR signe avec Eurosam la remotorisation pyrotechnique à mi-vie des missiles ASTER – Communiqué de presse du 9 juillet 2021
News Le 9 juin 2021, Eurosam, le consortium franco-italien, co-détenu par MBDA et Thales, a signé un contratavec l’OCCAR (Organisation...
Ministère Français de la Défense, communiqué du 19 mars 2021
News Communiqué : Le ministère des Armées lance en coopération avec l’Italie une nouvelle génération du système de défense antiaérienne moyenne...